Westmoreland County Juvenile Services Center
Case Studies

Year Completed
Value of Contract
$1.13 million
Westmoreland County Juvenile Services Center Geothermal Project
In partnership with Dodson Engineering, we designed and installed an innovative geothermal HVAC system at Westmoreland County Juvenile Services Center.
In 2009 Westmoreland County Juvenile Detention Center leveraged the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to solicit bids for a geothermal HVAC system.In partnership with Dodson Engineering, Huckestein designed a full spectrum, ground-up geothermal system and proposed the engineering, wells, surveys, equipment and labor needed to install it.
After being awarded the bid, Huckestein installed the geothermal system, which included 10 individual Aaon heat pumps with wet side economizers and piping that connected thirty-six (36), 420-ft deep geothermal wells to the facility. This innovative project, which entailed nearly 5,700 man-hours over a year, was completed without a single change order, and is still considered a pioneering green energy solution in our industry.
Westmoreland County Juvenile Services Center
2771 South Grande Boulevard
Greensburg, PA 15601
(724) 830-4200
Design 3
Bill Snyder
300 Oxford Drive – Suite 3
Monroeville, PA 15146
(412) 373-2220
Scope of expertise
Constellation Energy
2090 Greentree Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
(412) 489-9458
Dodson Engineering
420 One Chatham Center
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 261-6515